Which Tube Phono Stage around $1k?

I'm looking for a phono stage to mate with my Linn LP12/Ittok arm and a Clearaudio Virtuoso Wood cartridge. The line stage is a VTL 6.5. In the under $1k range, the Underwood Level 1 mod of the Jolida JD9a looks promising at $800. Totally stretching my budget would be a used or demo Audio Research PH5, but maybe someone can convince me that it's worth the stretch. A similar stretch might be a used Cary 302. Any comment on these or others I should consider? I'm pretty much dead set on tubes. I'll have to hear a really convincing endorsement to consider anything solid state! Thanks
I agree with Dlwask about EAR - I really didn't know they could be had for less than $1K - superb pre-amps - I have an EAR 324 in my main system. However, would still listen to the Wright if you get a chance. Mine is not noisy.
Springbok10 - if possible could you tell me how the Wright WPP 200 and EAR 834p phono stages compare? I am in the same situation as Pscialli.

Those I am considering at the moment are the Wright WPP200, modified EAR 834p and used BAT VK P5.

Of those three the EAR would wind up in the $1500 range, which gets is close to the new ARC PH5 or a used Pass XONO. Those last two I would consider end of the road type components and is my dilema.

Pscialli, I'm not trying to hi-jack this thread...I'm just in a simillar situation.
The unmodded Jolida phono stage is a spectacular value. Just swap out the tubes for something a bit higher quality.

I am thoroughly pleased with mine. Quiet, balanced, dynamic. Perfect with a good MC and table.

My system:
Music Hall MM7
Jolida phono pre
Rogue Cronus integrated
Jolida CDP and Tuner
Vandersteen 2Ces
Tara RSC prime speaker cables
Synergistic alpha one ICs
PC Audio humbuster & power strip

Audio bliss!
I haven't heard the 834, only the 324, so cant compare the ones you are considering. But EAR stuff is awesome. I really like the WPP 200 as well - good choices! You probably cant go wrong with either.
Would second the BAT P5 recommendation. If you saw any pics of the inside of this beast (it weighs 40lbs.) you would be amazed that it could even be sold for under $4k, let alone around $1k used...