Best tube integrated under 1500 new or used

I am using a MingDa 300B-4T and it is actually pretty good. I guess with mod such as power supply, coupling cap and other upgrades then it will sound even better. The one I have is 100% stock.

What other tube integrate amps you think offer great values for under 1500 usd new or used?
I recently got an Unison Research Unico off Audiogon for $1000 used. I haven't heard it yet, but its supposed to be very good.
Plato is right about the TAD-60. I'm using it with Gallo 3.1 and (although I've only had it for a few days) it really sounds musical and detailed. Even with cds that aren't recorded well, I can get drawn into the music in a way that I've never been able to do as well. However, it's not strictly speaking an integrated amp. It's a power amp with volume control. It's only limitation as an integrated is that you have one input with the TAD-60.

The SQ-88 integrated from a dealer on Audiogon and located in the PA area, Quest for Sound. Has three inputs and a remote vol control to as well. Stephen is a great guy to deal with. Very musical amp and solidly built.
Don't rule out some of the vintage integrated tube amps like the Scott's, Fisher's, Dynaco's and Eico's.

I have an Eico HF-81 integrated tube amp that can easily compete with the newer integrated tube amps of today.

Easy to upgrade internals if needed. I have and it sounds awesome.