Krell KAV-400xi or Bryston B100 SST ?

My setup Arcam CD33, speakers PMC GB1 listen mostly to rock,indie.
Current amps Arcam A90/p90 combo.
The Krell is a great unit but Bryston amps and PMC speakers have to go together.
I am not trying to turn this thread off in another direction, but there has been a number of Krell KAV 400xi's for sale lately. As of this post there are four for sale and one that has recently sold. Are that many people upgrading from the 400xi, or is there another reason. Just curious.
I own the B100SST and have owned the 400xi - to my ears the Bryston was superior. And not by a small margin. Not that the 400xi is bad, but the Bryston sounded cleaner, punchier, took control of the lower frequencies in a way the Krell couldn't. There was a clear delineation of each note, a crispness that is typical of the Bryston sound.

I just wish Bryston made B100SST a little prettier to look at.
According to the Dealers and insiders that I have spoken to at recent trade shows etc., Krell is selling an aweful lot of KAV-400xis, probably more than they would like to admit, since their primary function in the Audio World is the sell $25K Amplifiers not $2.5K Amps. The few people that I've run accross selling their 400xis got a taste of Krell and now want more and are squeezing into Krell seperates.
Krell is a decent amp but you should go with Bryston. Bryston is better and a good match with PMC.