I hope break in is true

This is the first time I ever bought a brand new out of the box Preamp. No, wait. Second but, the other doesn't count.
I had made previous posts about my decision to downsize.
I have, everything is kinda good. You know, Okay.
I bought a pre here. great seller, great store. Couldn't have been smoother.
I am just not used to this type of stuff. I wanted something with a phono included. I kept it well under a $1000.00
Now, I got to ask you guys. Will this thing get better???/
I have not had to worry about break in before. Does it really exist?
It is a very well built unit. Remote, I'm not used to that! That's nice. Has everything I need. Except it isn't alive. The music is there, presented very nicely. Clean, no extra stuff. Just doesn't have any dimension.
Please tell me this is going to get better:)
Yeah, I contacted him. He thinks breakin will help. He is willing to work with me. A true gem to this site, he is:)
-- This is my 'best-example' for breakin being a real thing.---About 6 years ago I bought a brand new "Purcell". I placed it in the chain.( Between a Theta Data 3 and a Gen 5a) I kept it powered up 24/7. About a month or 2 latter I'm thinking this thing was a waste of 5k and by now had the 'hots' for something else,so I thought I would sell it. I removed it from the rack and got it boxed up,placed the ad;---then listened to the system for a short time; without. I quickly cancelled the ad and put it back.--The coal had become a diamond, right before my ears;unnoticed.
Thats why I am getting out of the rat race. It never does end, does it:)
Break In can be real depending on what you are breaking in. I think those who claim otherwise simply haven't had the experience of change - and that doesn't impugn them - they have had gear that didn't change.

After several mods involving black gates caps, for a gross example, I can testify that they DO break in and the sound does change. In my SCD-1, the change at about 150 hours was for the worse - much worse - so bad you think "it's broken," but after another 100 hours, it comes back full and good.

I also had a tube amp change as I listened - it wasn't subtle or slow - it was as if someone had changed a perspective knob (there isn't one!)

Bob Wood
Scottht, Break-in is just like the tooth fairy or the easter bunny... if you don't believe you will never see it. You will make up some excuse like I just got used to it the way it was and know I'm just not sure anymore.
I'm just kidding, Seriously for me break-in could not be a more real phenomena, wires, tubes, cartridges, speakers, and yes even preamps. Burn it in, wait and see or rather (hear) for yourself! Beware of A’goners who don’t trust their own hearing. Because isn’t that what it’s all about anyway? Happy Listening!