Md: While i'm not familiar with the Purist, i have to believe that it is quite suitable for what you're doing. As such, i would recommend letting that disc play on repeat for as long as possible, even if you have very little to no volume going through the speakers. Doing this when you go to bed, leave for work, which allows you to listen to music when you are home, are easy alternatives.
In my experience, some units sound quite good after 3 days of continuous use whereas others take 2 weeks or more. If you like what you're hearing now, it should only sound "better" with more extended use. Obviously, playing music also gets the job done, but due to the reduced bandwidth and lack of intensity of signal, it can be a much slower and more gradual process. This assumes that the Purist disc is similar in content to the Ayre, which is what i'm basing my comments on. Sean
PS... If you're worried about wear and tear on your transport, hook up an old cd or dvd player to your DAC and use that for a while. Leave your transport fired up though, as this will maintain thermal integrity until you begin to use it again. Otherwise, it may take another day or two of normal use for your original transport to settle back in. This not only continues to give your system a work-out without tearing up the electro-mechanical aspects of your favourite transport, but also provides you with a chance to compare the audible differences between the two transports.