integrated tube amp recommendations, with remote

Hi Audiogoners,

I'm getting very excited planning my first true hi-fi system, and am looking for recommendations.

I'd like an integrated tube amp for <$1500, new or used. I'd like it to have a remote control, which curiously seems to be somewhat rare on tube amps of this price range. Unless someone can convince me that not having a remote improves the sound quality, I feel this is a requirement for the convenience factor.

I normally listen to music at "average listening volume," but occasionally host the cramped apartment party and need to crank it, so do want an amp that can deliver enough power, recognizing that it's about quality of the power versus wattage, etc.

I've so far seen only a couple that meet these criteria:

Antique Sound Lab AQ1001DT
Rogue Tempest II (a little pricier than I wanted)

Also looked at the Primaluna Prologues, Jolida JD202A or JD302B, but no remotes!

Any other ideas?


Look at the Cayin A-88T/KT-88 integraded. Sells new for $1895. Ive seen a few used in the $1500 range. I love mine, and the remote is great! Kt-88 tubes with 45 very powerful watts in Ultralinear mode. Killer sound IMO.
I don't know what speakers you use..I have an integrated Consonance Cyber Sig 10...

If you can stretch your budget, you can routinely find used Cary's SLI-80's for about $1800. In fact, one just sold here for about $1500. The remote on the Cary only controls volume, although I imagine this is true for most tube integrateds in this price range.
Not sure what your speakers need but here's another suggestion Eastern Electric M520 Integrated Amplifier. I think these units sell new for $1500 on Agon.