SimAudio or Classe for Power Amplifier

As I continue to upgrade my system I am looking at the amplifier as the next component on the hit list.

My current system:
- Marantz SA-14 SACD player (modified by Tube Research Labs)
- Conrad-Johnson 17LS Tube Preamplifier (Amperex Holland 60s tubes)
- Rotel RMB-1095 5X200W power amplifier
- Wilson Benesch Discovery loudspeakers

I am looking for a solid-state power amplifier with 200WPC minimum to drive the WB loudspeakers. I originally thought of getting a set of Parasound JC-1 monoblocks but realize that the heat dissipation would be an issue in my modest sized room. I will stick with a tube preamplifier however the brand/model may evolve over time.

Living in Canada, I thought that SimAudio and Classe would be two companies worth investigating. Both of these Quebec, Canada based companies have a good reputation for building high quality power amplifiers. Also both appear to be stable financially.

The current models I am looking at are:
- SimAudio WS, 190WPC
- Classe CA2200, 200WPC

If I win the lottery, I might consider getting the monoblock versions, ;-}
- SimAudio W10, 750WPC
- Classe CAM400, 400WPC

I am interested in the feedback of those who have compared the amplifiers of these two companies. Also feedback about these companies in general. I understand that Classe is now owned by the holding company that owns B&W and has a stake in Rotel. Not sure if SimAudio is still an independent company.
I purchased a Simaudio Moon W-5LE a few months ago and it continues to impress me. The 'LE' is a limited edition run of only 250 with higher quality parts. I suspect the non-LE W-5s are good as well, but I haven't had the chance to compare. Since this line of amps is has recently been replaced by their newer line, you may find a dealer that is willing to deal. Don't know about Canada, but in the U.S. you do not find this amps at much of a discount. The best opportunity to 'catch a deal' appears to be when the product line is switching out.

I also have a tube preamp, Aesthetix Calypso, and I found the pairing with the Simaudio with it was a great match. That being said, using the balanced connection rather than the unbalanced, made a sizeable difference. I don't know if your CJ has a pair of xlr outs or not, but in my case it made a noticable difference toward the good.

The W-5LE is a dual mono design with fully balanced differential to the output stage. It is rated at 200 wps at 8 Ohm and 400 wps at 4. My loudspeakers are JM Labs Mini Utopias (91.5 dB) and the W-5LE hardy works up a sweat driving these bad boys. Needless to say, clipping is NOT an issue.

Lastly, I purchased a demo W-5LE directly from an authorized dealer so I got a full 10 year warranty on the amp. It's built like a tank, so I'll probably never need to use it, but I think that says a lot about the manufacturers confidence in there product.

Good luck!
Get the W5, it sounds much more powerful than its 190watts, I was driving b&w N801's with it. It is sweeter, with a more shimmering top end.
Wilson Benesch speakers tends to be more polite and would work better paired with amps that are more dynamic.
The classe is a bit polite sounding too.
The control on the w5 is amazing with a fuller upper mid bass punch that is incredible.
That said, its down side is its filter caps. They are big, 8 of them, and vibrates a lot (I believe thats what gives them extra shimmer at the top end), you have to tune the sound of the amp for synergy with your system by adding weights on the top plate where they put a rubber stop that presses down on the caps.
A small freezer zip lock and some shots (8,1/2 size) mixed with 40% playsand will be a good mixture to start. add spoonfulls by spoon full and you will see what I mean. Just be careful not to spill anything. Once you determine the best weight, get a fillable ice pack and transfer the stuff so there is no chance of the ziplock breaking.

wow! so you put weight on the top of the amp and this affects the sound? to me this would be a total turn off. is this amp designed that way? is it intended to be tunable?
Almost all audio compnents will be affected by vibrations to a greater or lesser degree, especially caps and transformers in the power section.
I don't believe that the amp was intentionally designed that way but your system will never achieve its true pontential without paying attention to tuning vibrations. I do not have the amp anymore, I moved on to very low power amps and horns. Which is even more suspectible to vibraion tuning. I still miss that amp. Just before I sold it here, I was driving my avantgardes with it and it was very quiet. Simaudio components have quality and value in mind. The sound is very pleasing over the long run. It is especially sweet, I find it more so than classe, even where the omicron is concerned.
I find the emotional aspect of my system more important than analytical. It is beauty in sound that I am after, not accuracy. ymmv.
my setup is not what most people would consider as sane, especially in the vibrational control aspects. Most dealers do not promote this as they consider the difficult of tuning to be 'a total turnoff' to potential customers.
I have not compared these amps side by side but, I have experienced them both in my system driving B&W Matrix 801 S3 loudspeakers.

I'll begin by stating the obvious, they're both great amps! My initial impression of the W5 was how similar it sounded to older Classe gear, I presently own a Classe S-1000 amp, and I found the sound of the W-5 to be somewhat similar, albeit I preferred the midrange presentation of my amp a little better.

The new Classe gear is "leaner" to my ears, but I find the vast majority of mewer amps heading that way, Plinius and Krell included. I suppose it's due to the chronic desire of audio gear manufacturers to seek truth in the audio chain, no character of it's own is what they say, but some of us like a little character imposed on the signal.

Anyway, my memories are that I still preferred the Classe 2200, a little better midrange, sweeter highs, and really didn't give up much in the low frequencies.

Good luck in your pursuit, and pick the amp that sounds right to you.