McIntosh vs. Thor

Considering the Thor TPA-60, 60 watt monoblocks and am wondering about the McIntosh Mc275 or 2000 anniversary amp. The Mc275 is 75 watts per and can get it in a monoblock set up. The 2000 is an anniversary issue and 130 watts per. I know both have more power but am wondering more about the warmth of the sound. I have a C-J Premier 16 preamp and Legacy focus 20/20 speakers which are supposed to be 96 db sensitivity. Any thoughts along this line would be appreciated. Just very used to C-J's sound and the neutrality is taking a bit of getting used to.
Ag insider logo xs@2xuru975
honestly, its hard to beat a cj combo....and your legacy's should sound great with cj all the way.......i have mac tubes, but you may already be home with what you've got.
Can't comment on the Mac's but love my Thor 60's. ( Will likely never sell them! ) A great match with my Merlin VSM-MM's. Have seen a couple of pair for sale on the web lately here on A'gon plus the pimp has a pair cheap as well. Do your homework to be sure what you are buying and whether or not they have been upgraded to MK II status etc. Thor Audio is very helpful and accessable via telephone. Oh, and they look great lit up in the dark.... Good luck.
I have Thor 60s, a Thor TA1000 and a Thor DAC. Couldnt be happier. I would think that the Thor amps would crush the Mac equipment, although I havent heard the new Mac stuff. I cant explain why Thor equipment is selling so cheaply on the Gon, but Waveman is right. If you are thinking about buying Thor product on the net, call Paul at Thor to get the story behind the piece before buying. With the exception of a few pieces, most of the stuff sold as of late has been multiple owner, or older review pieces in need of upgrades and unfortunately this has given the wrong impression that Thor equipment doesnt hold its value. You can email me directly if you have further questions.