These things depriciate quickly.
Used is usually better if you are budget concious.
Early 90's gear may work to an extent. You may be able to find a matching center to your speakers-I doubt it.
One thing that I find very important is to have your front 3 speakers and amps the same.
You may end up using your speakers for the rears or finding a matching center.
It is less likely that you will find a 3/4 channel amp that will match your stereo amp (if you have a receiver, sell it). A nice stereo amp may sell for enough to buy some HT gear.
My last bit of advice: Don't skimp on the sub or center channel. They handle the bulk of the work.
Used is usually better if you are budget concious.
Early 90's gear may work to an extent. You may be able to find a matching center to your speakers-I doubt it.
One thing that I find very important is to have your front 3 speakers and amps the same.
You may end up using your speakers for the rears or finding a matching center.
It is less likely that you will find a 3/4 channel amp that will match your stereo amp (if you have a receiver, sell it). A nice stereo amp may sell for enough to buy some HT gear.
My last bit of advice: Don't skimp on the sub or center channel. They handle the bulk of the work.