"Fast sounding tube amp" with plenty of power? any?

I recently had a chance to audition an ASL 1008 monoblocks to run my Thiel 3.6s and I found the amp to be able to run the Thiels and the warmth of tubes is there but it just sounds too slow.When I switch back to my Krell FPB 200's the music seems to sound normal again. I know this is not the best that tube amps has to offer and the Thiel 3.6's are not the best speakers for tubes,so I need your recommendation. Speakers that's at least at par with the Thiels 3.6s speed and transparency and a matching tube amp with balls.
One more thing, I should note that the owner/circuit designer for Tube Research Labs is also the designer/joint venture owner of the FIM Cable.
I agree with the number of votes for Atma-sphere, but as far as sonics go I find the Tenor OTL's superior, and equally as fast and dynamic. The power question is paramount, the Tenors are rated ar 75 w, and although I've seen on other posts they can drive a good many speakers of different effeciency, including Wilsons, I've not seen any comments about anyone having heard them driving Thiels, which if I recall are a somewhat difficult load. However, I wouldn't be surprised if the Tenors amply drive them, and they are so good,I think it behooves you to give them an audition if possible. The AR Ref 300 MKII's are very powerful and fast as noted above, and will drive virtually any load, if so required. I personally preferred the sound of the Tenors over the Atma-sphere, and sold my AR 300's to purchase the Tenors, which drive my speakers without blinking. Worth a test drive if possible.