help with a lush 50 watt+ amp

i own vtl deluxe 120 monoblocks. i would like to purchase another amp, 50 + watts, which has less emphasis on the upper mid/lower treble than my current amp. i'm willing to lose resolution in order to gain a more vintage tube sound which can compensate for cds.

by now, many are aware of my taste for a highly euphonically colored sounds. yes, this is what i like. most of you don't like this sound.

i have been criticized for this. i'm a big boy so i can take it.

anyway, someone has to be the audiogon iconoclast, and i guess that someone is me.

thanks for your help
Hi Dennis_the_Menace,

Between the V12 and 805C which is the faster sounding amp? I've heard the V12R in my home but the 805C only at the dealers. At the dealers, I thought the 805C sounded a bit slow but loved its fleshed out sound. I was listening to a Christy Barron cd.
Hey. Buy a used MAC amp. Problem solved. People all the time go that route that don't care for the new state of the art sound you can buy today. I bet there are more classic amps that you would fall in love with. More older experienced and knowledgable vintage fans could give you all sorts of advice. Actually, there is a forum for this subject over at AudioAsylum.

There must be a new current production amp out there that would fit your needs. I just don't know what it is. I bet Art Dudely would know.
This might be too vintage for you, but as a previous owner of an Audio Research D70 I would put this in the realm of lushness; wasn't the most reliable, however. Currently I have a Jadis Orchestra Reference, but this musters only 53Wpc, and is not exactly lush - the ARC sounded much more like a big friendly woolly beast.

Good luck, Rob.