Thiel 1.6 vs. 2.4 vs. 3.6 using NAD c372

I am considering a combination of Thiel speakers and a NAD c372 integrated amp. My questions are:

1. In a fairly small room (16' x 13') with the speakers unfortunately along the longer wall, what are the thoughts about the Thiel 1.6, 2.4 and 3.6 speakers?

2. Why are used 3.6 speakers now offered in a similar price range as the used 1.6 models?

3. How do you think the Thiels will match up with the NAD c 372 integrated amp? Which of the three speaker models might match up the best, if any?

I am running Thiel 3.6s on the short wall of a 13' by 21' room, and I am driving them with a pair of Rowland 201 monoblocks. I listen to classical music exclusively, and so far I'm very pleased. The 201s are 250W into 8 ohms and 500W into 4 ohms; I would be hesitant to drive the 3.6s with less power than this. I was using an Aragon 8008BB (200W/400W) before the Rowlands, and although it was able to drive the Thiels, the Rowlands sound more refined, especially on peaks.

Good luck!
This is probably of limited usefulness, but I helped my parents pick out a new stereo system, and after much searching and listening, we settled on a c372 and a used pair of theil .5's. They're not very efficient (87dB) and they dip to 3 ohms, but the combination is surprisingly nice--very crisp and clear and airy--and will play surprising loud w/o strain. I think you'd really like the 2.4, and the nad should sound great with them. Obviously, better amplification would result in better sound, but that doesn't mean the the nad would sound crappy.

I just auditioned a pair of Thiel 2.4s. They are amazing ! Just great sound pours out of them. Wide soundstage, tight deep palpable bass and precise articulate mids and highs. Female vocals to die for.

Now I'm saving my bucks. I'm planning to use a ss amp 230 watts into 8 ohms and 380 into 4 ohms.

good luck in your choice

More power is needed to let any of these three really breathe - 200wpc via Krell, Levinson, Coda, EAD etc. will do the trick quite handily -Your NAD will work but needs more ummph -The 3.6 needs the most power, however you will be rewarded with much deeper bass than the other two...
The big question is do you think you might upgrade your amp in the future. If that's the liklihood, I would recommend the 2.4's. I have a set of 2.4's and 1.6's. The 2.4's are sweet with an adequate setup. With an X250 driving them, they have probably been the favorite speakers I've had, and I've had some decent speakers over the years. My wife has taken control of the 1.6's driven by a Denon receiver and DVD player and that's not bad. I had them on an X3 at one time and they sounded very good. But, I couldn't imagine driving the 2.4's with a C372 long term. And I'm thinking hard about getting a C372 for a third system with Quad 22L's.