Cayin 265Ai integrated...anyone have one?

Does anyone have any experience with this integrated? If so, what do you think?
I asked the same about my new Cayin DP 15. No one responded, kinda scared me to be honest but I love the unit.
Anything Cayin, go ahead, they are absurdly good for the money. It's a no brainer.
I bought a 265ai from a 'gon member last year. I've been very, very happy with the performance. They have an incredible sense of control (both micro and macro) and produce incredible detail. Even though they're rated at 40 watts they easily drive my dynaudio confidence 5 speakers. This is most likely due to the fact that the Cayin produces pure Class A power. Instand power especially if you have hungry speakers. I strongly suggest giving it a listen. I got mine used for $600 without having a chance to audition them and let me tell you, its the best damn purchase I've made from 'gon by far.