Bezimienny, I believe Russ (Rcprince) asks the relevant question - what output tubes are you using? If you are using the EL34, you will gain a bit more extension using KT88.
Next question, when was the last time you biased the JOR? As the tubes age, I found the bias settings must be inched up accordingly.
Also, are your output tubes fresh? After 6 years with the Ei KT90, I had one short (causing no damage to amp or speakers), and I had to account for it by really pushing that channel harder. It wasn't until after I got a tube tester did I realize what the true problem was.
Biasing is of critical importance with the JOR, and a guy I met here in the threads was having a lot of problems with his. Lots of distortion and a crackling sound. Turns out the problem was the amp needed to be biased, and my original instructions he was using were not correct for all of the tubes. After he sent it to Avi Brand (US Service rep), everything was fine. I called Avi to confirm the correct bias procedures.
If you are using the Ei KT90 or a KT88, and the JOR is properly biased, then the amp needs an easier load to drive than your Wilson Cubs.
Paul, you are using the JOR with the tone controls at 95%??? I found if you go past 25% either way from flat, it SERIOUSLY alters the sound for the worse, completely changing the character of the JOR. Not that my flavor is the right one, but I found flat treble, and 10 - 20% more on the bass was often where my comfort zone was. Though I could still hear the deleterious effects of the tone control as compared to flat, the bass boost was welcome.
Next question, when was the last time you biased the JOR? As the tubes age, I found the bias settings must be inched up accordingly.
Also, are your output tubes fresh? After 6 years with the Ei KT90, I had one short (causing no damage to amp or speakers), and I had to account for it by really pushing that channel harder. It wasn't until after I got a tube tester did I realize what the true problem was.
Biasing is of critical importance with the JOR, and a guy I met here in the threads was having a lot of problems with his. Lots of distortion and a crackling sound. Turns out the problem was the amp needed to be biased, and my original instructions he was using were not correct for all of the tubes. After he sent it to Avi Brand (US Service rep), everything was fine. I called Avi to confirm the correct bias procedures.
If you are using the Ei KT90 or a KT88, and the JOR is properly biased, then the amp needs an easier load to drive than your Wilson Cubs.
Paul, you are using the JOR with the tone controls at 95%??? I found if you go past 25% either way from flat, it SERIOUSLY alters the sound for the worse, completely changing the character of the JOR. Not that my flavor is the right one, but I found flat treble, and 10 - 20% more on the bass was often where my comfort zone was. Though I could still hear the deleterious effects of the tone control as compared to flat, the bass boost was welcome.