Budget Preamps for Atmaspheres?

I am considering purchasing an Atmasphere S-30 or maybe M-60 at some point, and am wondering if there are any budget preamps that would match well with them. Is anyone using a cheap preamp with these excellent amps?

Marco Pignone III
Marco, here are some preamps (used) I'd consider for your application at or below your price limit. None of them will be embarrassed by the pairing with an Atma-Sphere amp. They're all tube units, they're all single-ended (RCA), and none of them do anything wrong to the sound...

Conrad-Johnson PV10A or PV10B
Conrad-Johnson PV9
Ear 834L
Consonance T-1 or T-99 (the T-99 is only $825 new)
If you want to try a balanced unit, look for a used BAT VK3 which should come in at your price. The Atmas do sound much better run balanced.
Mpignone: "Are many preamps not fully balanced?"

Most preamps and most amps do not use balanced circuitry, they use single-ended circuitry. Balanced circuitry requires about double the parts, etc. Many manufacturers (such as conrad-johnson) choose NOT to spend the money to create balanced circuitry, as they believe it is NOT inherently better (or at least that single-ended circuitry is NOT inherently inferior).

I hope to have a pair of AS poweramps, the 140-Watt MA-1-IIIs, by the end of the year; I do NOT plan to use a balanced preamp with them.
Jeffrey- I would caution you on the Atmas running single-ended. I had a buzz I could not get rid of (Ralph calls for a shorting pin in the XLRs if you run single-ended, but it was not a complete solution for me), but more importantly, they sound better through the XLR input even from my VAC pre, which I am told is only a pseudo-balanced output.
Mpignone, Please except my apology for having a complete brain fade and suggesting those very expensive preamps. I read your question... walked away to attend to something and then came back and was completely off point.

I too would suggest the Ear/Yoshino 834L, or I would offer a Juicy Merlin, Peach, Extreme, Blueberry (don't be put off by the names), PrimaLuna Prologue 5. Just to name a few.

Happy Listening!