I talked to Ken Stevens before bypassing my fuse and fuse holder and since I already have a 20 amp circuit breaker at my main fuse box we both agreed it should be fine. The 20 amp fuse was designed in for warranty reasons but in the 8+ production years for the cat amps he is aware of no problems with any potential power surges or damage that resulted. Ken indicated in a previous conversation that the JL2 is "self contained" meaning all major parts and assemblies are enclosed in a seperate retangualr steel case. The input transformer, output transformer and all wiring is enclosed with thick gauge steel greatly reducing any risk. In the rare event a fire does occur in one of these steel enclosures, none has occured yet, the damage would be limited to that specific area.
I talked to Ken Stevens before bypassing my fuse and fuse holder and since I already have a 20 amp circuit breaker at my main fuse box we both agreed it should be fine. The 20 amp fuse was designed in for warranty reasons but in the 8+ production years for the cat amps he is aware of no problems with any potential power surges or damage that resulted. Ken indicated in a previous conversation that the JL2 is "self contained" meaning all major parts and assemblies are enclosed in a seperate retangualr steel case. The input transformer, output transformer and all wiring is enclosed with thick gauge steel greatly reducing any risk. In the rare event a fire does occur in one of these steel enclosures, none has occured yet, the damage would be limited to that specific area.