I must disagree with you on one point...Your posts suggest that tubophiles are looking for some kind of flat frequency response and must resort to endlessly changing cables 'til we achieve that goal.
I would suggest that flat frequency response is not the ultimate objective, if an objective at all, of most tubophiles. If we dislike like the tonal response of our tube stuff we just change a few tubes at minimal expense. Personally I don't care if its flat so long as it sounds 'natural'.
But you SS guys, what are you to do if for some reason you don't like the tone of your undistorted, flat frequency response SS stuff (I'm assuming that all SS stuff doesn't sound the same - but I don't know why it wouldn't)? Buy tone bending cable? Buy an equalizer? Buy a new component altogether? Buy new speakers? Sounds rather expensive to me and difficult to achieve without investing considerable money?
Anyway, I'm having a slow day and just thought I'd add my 2 cents worth. :-)