Audiofeil, You could be right. I gave up on SS years ago - I was running one of Threshold's SA amps and some ARC D115II's. Tonally they wre similar and fairly plesant however give the ARC a 30 minute warm up and the famous 'tube liquidity' kicked in. So much for the Threshold. I've only owned a few decent SS amps since and haven't found any reason to keep them except as a 'summer' amps when, as today, the temp is over 110 degrees! When someone can point the way for me to a SS amp that has that mid-range liquidity and high frequency air that I find in my tube amps I'll sure give them a try.
As an aside, I note that most SS adherents seem to have not been tube owners first, but that most tube owners were previously SS owners. Also, I've not noted a lot of SS advocates reporting that they were previously tube users who grew unsatisfied with the sound. Are these observations just the result of my own prejudices (I only retain what reinforces my opinion) or do they have some foundation?
As an aside, I note that most SS adherents seem to have not been tube owners first, but that most tube owners were previously SS owners. Also, I've not noted a lot of SS advocates reporting that they were previously tube users who grew unsatisfied with the sound. Are these observations just the result of my own prejudices (I only retain what reinforces my opinion) or do they have some foundation?