Help with a tube amp recommendation

Hello All
I am going to give a tube amp a try and I would like some help. I have a Wadia modded 850 and I want to try a tube amp. My speakers are Merlin TSM-M's My chooses are the Manley snappers, the VAC auricle music blocks and the BAT VK-55. I am going to be new at tubes so which one is going to be the most user friendly? I like very detailed sound. Are any of these what I am looking for? Please any suggestions would be great.
I own TSM-MM's and two Berning’s (ZH-270 and MicroZOTL headphone amp). The Bernng’s are dead quiet, run at room temperature - not sizzling hot like some OTL amps and the tubes should last for most of my lifetime. The Berning has a fantastic track record for reliability and this makes it a great long term investment. Quality, synergy and great sound never go out of style.
Hello All,

Thanks for all of the responses. Looks like I have to put the Berning on my list to audition. I still have the others I list to listen to also. I will let you know the winner. Thanks again
A little late to the party, but would also recommend Berning, since you said you like very detailed sound. With Allan's mods and the stepped attenuator volume control, it sounds very detailed without being coldly 'analytical'.