Perreaux or Bryston?

I have a pair of Cello Legends. Fairly efficient, neutral speakers. I can get a good deal on a Perreaux 200P power amp, 200 WPC, in excellent condition. Also looking at a Bryston 3BST. Which one would match better? Thanks in advance.
Torsten -
Don't waste your time wiht the Perreaux, though quite nice, the Bryston is better. You may think the Legends are efficient, but they truly are not. The will take ALOT of power, much more than you are giving them credit for.
I would not get an amp that is just 125, even Bryston power. If using Bryston, stick with the 250 varietal, and get yourself a 4B. Here is a great deal, not much more than a 3B:

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Yeah go for more power...muhaha! The 4B is the ticket if you are thinking of Bryston.
I think Bryston is the best value in amps. Great product, great resale value, great csutomer service, you just can't go wrong with them.
Even though I responding to a forum over 11 years old I have to super disagree about the Bryston 4B.  I once owned a 4B for a few months and recently purchased a Perreaux Prisma 350 stereo power amp and the Perreaux smoked the Bryston in overall sound quality and overall build quality. Look inside a Perreaux and then look in a 4B and if you can't see how much better the Perreaux is well then get a Technician to help you. This recent purchase of the Perreaux is one of the best purchase I have ever made in the past twenty years. I seriously doubt I'll ever sell this amp. I almost never buy power amps new, but this time I wanted a new one, and the only one to buy new that made the most sense was the Perreaux and it was worth every penny. I am a Perreaux fan for life and I think all you audiophiles should look into this amp.