Any VAC Phi 30/30 Owner's?


I am the happy owner of a VAC Phi 30/30 amp, having stretched my budget when it came up on Audiogon a few months ago. This must be a rare piece, as I really haven't seen any posts by other owners. It's extremely refined and airy, but I suspect it's true potential is being masked by my Audible Illusions Mod 3a preamp. The speakers are Reynaud Trentes with Kimber Select KS-3035 cables. I'd like to upgrade the preamp but my budget is limited to the Modwright 9.0SE, Supratek Syrah or used Cary SLP-98P range. Are their any other VAC owners who could suggest a synergistic move within my budget of around $2,000? Would it be worth going to cheaper speaker cables to extend my available budget for electronics? I prefer a full function preamp, as I listen to vinyl.
hey gary... i'm jealous of your phi 30/30. what shortcomings do you hear in your system? does it lean warm, cool, fast, slow, etc?
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Well, I'm really not thinking too much in terms of shortcomings with my present system, just looking to wring everything I can from it. I am hoping to improve the width and depth of my soundstage by replacing the Mod 3a though.

I've changed every component multiple times since re-entering this hobby last fall and discovering the joy of Audiogon. I've owned a couple of tube amps over the years, most recently a Cary V12r. In comparison, I find the Phi 30/30 to sound less warm, but extremely natural. Instrumental timbres are sometimes startlingly realistic, particularly acoustic instruments such as guitar, piano and drums. To my ears, the amp is surprisingly fast, particularly with percussion strikes and listening to vibraphones. Bass is not particularly deep in my system, but very musical and satisfying. The top end is detailed and extended, but also airy, and never shrill. Female vocals are palpably lush and real, as is midrange in general. There is a nice sense of space around each instrument Since I got my Trentes and the PHI 30/30 at the same time, it's hard to know what qualities to attribute to each component.

I like not having to bias the amp. It's also beautiful to look at. Having a young son, I also like that the tubes are enclosed. I suspect that my system would come more alive with a more powerful amp, but most of my listening is acoustic jazz, late at night, at relatively low volumes.
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I would get the Dodd Audio reference linestage, or new battery powered. I have compared my reference to world class pre-amps, and prefer the dodd.