Plinius 9100 or Simaudio Moon i5 for Totem Hawks?

Has anyone compared the Plinius 9100 and Simaudio Moon i5 when listening to Totem Hawk speakers?

I have Totem Hawk speakers and the Bel Canto DAC 2 as a source, and am looking to upgrade my amplifier.

I've heard the Moon i5 and the Plinius 9100 are a good match for the Hawks. If anyone had a chance to hear them, I'd love to hear your thoughts and how you thought they differed from one another. Thank you very much!
Hi Hugo. I also have Hawks. I just replaced my Classe DR6, CA150 combo with the Simaudio I5 to simplify my life. No regrets. I am now satisfied with lower volumes than before (70-75) rather than my usual (80-85). It is more detailed and faster, however bass impace lower as you would expect. I have not heard the Plinius.
I have owned both amplifiers. The Moon I-5 is a good amp, but ultimately not as resolving or refined as the Plinius. In the looks department though, it's pretty good looking. But ultimately not up to par considering the price. The 9200 is all the amp I need.
You've compared the Plinius to the I-5 and prefer the former; that's fair enough. But the I-5 costs considerably less, at least in my neck of the woods, where it enjoys far greater availability for audition. I consider it a solid value, with a well-earned rep as a classic piece.
It has great synergy with Totem too, not suggesting Plinius doesn't. Truth is, I'd love to hear the Plinius, not easily done in Canada.

About time for Audiooracle to toss around one of his sales presentations for Plinius isn't it?
Hey Guys, girls etc., I sold a Plinius to Hugonyc about a month ago, to try other components, and I made a big mistake. I have tried the Krell 400 Int amp, I have owned the sim I-3, but I have not tried the I-5, I have tried the Consonance 150, the 120, The musical fidelity 3.2 etc.. Now I know one can not try everything, it would be a lifetime struggle, but from what I have listened to so far, my favorites have been the plinius 9100, then the Plinius sa100 mk3. I currently have the Odyssey Extreme upgraded mono's, which are very good mono's, but I still Prefer the Plinius. Remember, the beauty of it, is that people have different tastes, so that said, is anybody here not happy with the sound of their Plinius, and want to sell it...I would love the 9200, but I would take the 9100...Thanks guys, and Hugonyc, I miss my Plinius, and I hope you are enjoying it. I really was inpressed with your hawks, as they really do have a big sound for a speaker that size......Hey, are you looking to sell your Plinius...Just kidding, I really hope you are enjoying it.....Thanks, nyrgrs60