Additional isolation for Preamp/ components

I have a Rix Rax hoodoo (4 shelf) rack with another 2-shelf
version curently being made by Rick. I dont believe there to be any exact science behind these racks, but they are certainly rigid and structurally sound. I have only 8" between sheves on the hoodoo and will have 9" on the smaller rack I am awaiting. I dont have alot of play as far as the height of an aftermarket ball-bearing type, or point/cone type foot.I will have to look for something around 1" in height. With all that said, I am wondering if anyone might suggest an isolation product to couple my linestage, phono stage , and maybe even my AA Capitole 2. The AA will sit atop of my new rack when it arrives, with the other components on the lower shelves. Thanks in advance.
How about the Vibrapods recommended by Stereophile? Got mine at Acoustic Sounds website. Hope this helps you.
I've tried a number of devices and I like the Symposium Roller Blocks, especially with the titanium balls. I have them under my turntable, CD transport, pre-amp and DAC. In fact, I have the "double blocks" (one block under and one upside down on top of the ball) under the TT & CD. They are a terrific tweak, not inexpensive, but, still, less costly than some other sophisticated isolation devices.
Check out for his low rise footers. Something for everyone among his various sizes, shapes, and heights.
90 day return privileges if not impressed.
You get to speak to the man, himself, if you call for advice.
The FIM 305 is a double ( upper and lower ) cup plus ball device which is not very high. Steel, tungsten and ceramic balls are available. Although the instructions tell you how to make a platform and set them into it, they work very well on their own. They are more expensive than BDR cones but even more effective in my system, and cheaper than Symposium Rollerblocks.