Eliminate system hum

I have a tube system I have set up next to my TV but now have a pretty good hum. I have tried all the usual thing to get rid of it. Any suggestions other than moving it away from the TV? Why does the TV cause this with tube pieces and not with solidstate pieces?
try the granite audio ground zero. it's specifically designed to eliminate hum and reduce your overall noise floor. i've never used one so i can't say how good they really work. call the company and see if they offer any type of money back offer if it doesn't work.
If your Cable TV is run through your system, try disconnecting all cabeling between the two and see what happens.
I found getting an electrician to install a dedicated line, to get my hi-fi isolated from TV and other appliances, was a very cost-effective solution to transformer hum. It cost much less than decent power conditioners, which may or may not provide other benefits.

That said, I also found that speaker cable with the correct impedance for my particular amp (not a tube amp) made a big difference. Installing unsuitable cable, even though it sounded good in other ways, brought back transformer hum.
Removing it eliminated the problem. Your dealer or manufacturer rep may have useful information on impedance matching between cable and amp. Good luck!
