Intergrated Amp with VR4jrs

I'm looking to upgrade and also change to an intergrated amp. Right now I'm using a Classe CP50 pre and an Odyssey Stratos power. Does anyone have experience with using either a Krell KAV 400i or a Musical Fidelity A5 with VR4jrs and how would you describe the sound? Please do not make tube recommendations.
Pity if you will not consider tube hybrid integrateds. For a long time I gave tube power no consideration. But now, I have found it to be the Holy Grail of power in my system; and incredibly splendid combination of warmth, detail and power. One of the best moves I've made in over two decades of component purchasing. I mention this since I have them (Pathos integrateds bridged to mono) mated to a quality floorstander in the same league as the VR4Jr's - the Chapman Audio Systems T-77's. If possible, you do owe it to yourself to consider/demo a tube hybrid integrated. The cost, maintenance, heat, etc. issues associated with tube amps simply are not part of the equasion in my experience with tube hybrid integrated.
I would never dream of going back to a solid state integrated now. Even my tube pre/solid state amp combos never sounded this good.
Yes, I know you didn't want this recommendation, but here it is! Maybe you have limitations, such as small children who may linger around the equipment, etc. If so, time will fix that, and you could search again someday... ; enjoy the search!
Before sugestions, What do you Think of the sound on your present componants. Whats your price limit, why not seprates.
UPS Just dropped of my New Tube MONO Blocks as I type this YEEHAA
Those speakers Will LOVE Rogue 120 monos. Will drive the heck out of them or in triode snap your neck with imaging while having speed and control without hash in the highs.
I was a solid state guy my whole life. Never thought of tubes, particulary because my speakers were not efficient enough, and even if they were, I was concerned more about what tubes couldn't do as well as SS, rather than what they do better. My speakers are 101db? That made not only tubes possible, but SET a reality. There's no going home. An intimate, holographic sound that, to this day, kills me. In this audiophoolish hobby, as in life, keeping an open mind, and having the willingness to try something new is a good thing. Just a little FWIW on the tube idea. BTW, I don't have experience with the YBA Passion Integre with the VR4jrs, but IMHO the Passion as well as its' baby brother (Integre DT) IMHO, are superior to your choices. I owned them both and loved them. In fact the YBA Passion was the amp I let go of, for SET. Beautiful ss integrated amps. Very hard to beat at their price level and at considerably more. Check the 'gon archives and google.
Yes all this bunk that tubes are weak in power/bass vs ss, tubes can be just as fatiguing as ss, tubes wear out and so are costly to replace. All bunk. I have the smallest of the Jadis line, 20 watts and it drives one of the most demanding speakers a MTM design. Perfectly, more volume than I need.