Tube or solid state amp or amps?

Looking for amp or amps for Energy Veritas 2.4i
Jafox, thanks for the kind words. You are mostly correct, I can appreciate what you just said & that is your preference as it should be but I was focusing my attention on this thread which is about amps. Actually I built my system around my speakers. I suppose one could build a system around speaker wires, if your an idiot.
Bostonjim - Congrats on the CATs. One of my 3 favorite systems at CES this year used a pair of CAT Monoblocks (along with a Reimyo CD player, forget what pre and Ascendo speakers). Rock solid bass, clean natural midrange, powerful and engaging sound. Beautiful to look at, too, with all those big tubes in the open.

Mrtennis - I remember you once posted that you like dull, boring sound (or similar words). Have you ever heard tube amps by AtmaSphere, JJ, or CAT? I suspect you would not like any of these, as they are rather lively and engaging sounding. On the other hand, you might prefer the sound of old Hafler solid state, as I remember, it had a definite laid-back quality. Hovland's solid state has a very easy-to-listen-to quality, which you also might find appealing. Perhaps there is one aspect of sound that you are focusing on that is more prevalent among solid state than tube gear. If that one trait is the most important thing to you, I understand your point, but I have not found such a distinguishing trait that universally identifies ss vs. tube.
So many unknown variables around, but I think, at the end it is very important what type of music you typically listen. If modern rock, pop, blues - electronic music - than solid state perhaps a good option, if classical music: tubes are somewhat better re-creating tonal shades of life acoustic music.
honest1 is pretty right on in his post. There is a lot of difference between amps of any type.

The Pass aleph amps are truely sweet SS amps. I compared the Aleph 3 side by side to an audio research VT100 tube amp with a wadia 860 running direct into either and a pair of Dunlavy athenas. The sound was very nice from both and i could have lived with either. The ARC had more openness in the top end though. That said the ARC amps tend to be pretty solid state sounding tube amps with a solid low end. I ended up with VTL which still keeps the bottom solid but warms the mids a little more. Then you have some of the CJ amps which are the stereotypical tuby sounding amps with soft bass and very warm mids.

Ajahu, i listen to mostly blues and jazz with a dose of electronic thrown in for good measure and wouldn't trade my tubes for the world. You just need enough power to feed your speakers and enough current to control the bottom and life is good. The sound of modern rock...any rock for that matter...seems to be so dependent on production quality that it's a crap shoot wheather it will sound good in any high res system imo.
ok, i was just kidding about miserable state, etc. .

however, i believe that there is a sonic signature associated with solid state components and i have never heard a solid state component having a roll off in the treble region.