Audio Research 100.2 amp

Why didn't this amp receive more attention when it was in production? I recently acquired a pre-owned 100.2 for my second system and was very impressed with it's performance. Much more pleasant sounding than many other solid state amps I have listened to with a very nice, grain/grunge free, almost tube-like midrange and excellent bass/treble. Musical, smooth, resolving without sounding etched or aggressive is a very good way to describe the overall sound of this amp. Anyone else cares to agree/disagree?
I used to own a 100.2 amp myself. I like it very much. It was a sleeper in the Audio Research line (the Audio Research tubes amps got all the attention). I got a good deal on a Berning ZH 270 and the rest is history. The ZH 270 is truly world class!
It's an amazing amp. I've had one for years now and I can't get over just how much it does right. Even if I one day upgrade from it, I'll still keep it as a backup. It's just that good. Enjoy!
Yep, a true "gem" indeed. After listening to it for a few weeks now, I love it even more. No grain, no harshness, just pure music that flows out of it. Seems to mate very well to many speakers (I tried 3 different pairs, Dynaudio, Sonus Faber, Magnepan). Really can't find any faults at all with it, to beat this one, you must go all the way up to the top and pay 8-10x the price (at the used prices it's selling for now).