How can I tell if I need more power?

I'm driving a pair of Vandy 3A's with an older Parasound DR65 (65wpc) receiver. Vandersteen recommends 100 to 200wpc for 3A's. I've considered adding a power amp while using the DR65 as a preamp (to keep the tuner), but I since can't hear any obvious lack of sound quality, and I never get close to pushing the level to clipping with 65wpc, I wonder if I'd really gain performance that would be proportional to the high expense of a good power amp. Advise from the audio sages would be welcome.
once again, sean gives wise advice, as does jvia (a transplanted gentleman from tennessee of the first water). as for me: i've NEVER heard an "overpowered" system (given that the amps, of whatever variety, provide clean power with plenty of current). -cfb
I hear ya about the power Kelly ( aka "the Cornfed Kid" when out robbing banks and old time trains ). As many of you know, i am a BIG fan of "too much is not enough" when it comes to power. For the record, my HT system is rated at 6400 watts RMS, my computer room system uses 800 wpc monoblocks, my "big" system that i'm still working on will be triamped monoblocks at 1200+ wpc, etc... I think you get the idea. There is a LOT to be said for having MILES of headroom even when "jamming".

As it is in Dwpc's case though, he's obviously been happy with the "limited" amount of juice that he's been running for some time now. I would rather see him get a taste of "quality" at a "reasonable" amount of power than shoot for something that was more powerful, looked good on paper and seemed like a "steal" in terms of watts per dollar. I think that you and many others will know where i'm coming from in that aspect of "system building".

All too often people "upgrade" by reading reviews and specs without really thinking about "how good does it sound in MY system" and don't really think about "system synergy". I think we've ALL been there done that and learned the hard way. If not, they'll be there SOON ENOUGH if they keep hanging out here and get struck by the " upgrade bug" : ) Sean
I have heard your speakers with a Audio Research D-130 and a AR pre. Before that he had a jvc rec. The difference is un real. The Ar seems to be perfict with that speaker. I have a Krell he wont let me compare them he is afraid hell like it better, says toooooo much money!
Bravo Sean I agree 100%. Quality is the key I believe when it comes to pwr. Watts can be sold to the unadvised but a good 60 quality watts will always out perform a bad designed 100. There are dealers in CA that should steer you in the right direction. Best of luck.
Hi, Dwpc:

I have been a proud Vandy owner for many years, and upgraded to a pair of 3A Signatures about a year ago. I had a fairly good preamp and power amp at the time, and thought the system sounded good. Then I replaced the amp with a Bryston 4B-ST, and the speakers "suddenly" sounded much better. Then I swapped out the preamp and replaced it with a Bryston SP-1, and VOILA! everything came together. Let me tell you that Vandy 3A's, and particularly the 3A Sig's, are far better speakers than most people realize, and can be realistically paired with electronics that sell for as much as $7.5k -$10k. Each improvement you make in your system will be faithfully reproduced by the Vandy's. (At some point, I suggest you send your 3A's to Vandersteen to have them upgraded to the 3A Signature version. It's really worth the additional $750.) This is a long preamble to telling you to get better electronics -- the Vandy's keep sounding better and better as you upgrade the electronics in front of them. So, as time and budget allows, you ought to consider a new preamp and power amp such as the Brystons (they pair beautifully with the Vandy 3 series), McCormack, Marsh Audio Design, or similar high-quality tube gear. In closing, let me bring your attention to a review of the Vandy 3A Sig's and other Vandy home theater speakers that has just appeared in the edition of "Widescreen Review" magazine that just hit the newstands (the Nov-Dec issue, I think). Shane Buettner, the equipment editor for WR, wrote a long review of the Vandy 3A Sig's, VCC-5 center speaker, etc., and he absolutely raved about his epiphany as a Vandersteen owner. He is using superb electronics with them, such as BAT's newest preamp, the Theta Dreadnaught amp, etc., and he makes an emphatic point that people who assume that the Vandy's are good only with electronics in their same general price range are WRONG. The Vandy 3-series speakers, if wrapped in nice veneer and sold by almost anyone other than Richard Vandersteen, would be selling in the $5000-$7500 range, and high-end audiophiles would still be thinking they got a great buy. For $2800-3500 for the 3-series, you have acquired one of the finest speakers on the market, BAR NONE, and they deserve to be paired with the best electronics you can afford. Trust me -- you won't be disappointed. Even my wife, who is at best tolerant of my audio habit, has commented on every upgrade over the past year, noting that our Vandy 3A Sig's reveal every improvement, and now sound more like "real music" than anything she has ever heard -- or imagined possible in a home environment. Enjoy, my friend -- you have just started on what will be a very pleasurable journey of discovery. (And read that review in "Widescreen" -- it's got some excellent info about why the Vandy 3-series is such a fine speaker.)