Von scheikert VR4jr what are you using ?

I just got a new pair and I am wondering what amp would be best. I have a Cary SLP-98F1 as a pre and currently using a V12 to drive them. I have a BAT VK-200 as a spare and I am going to hook it up this week end, to see how it sounds with the SLP.
I originally heard the VR's driven by NuForce 9.02 mono's, they sounded fantastic. They were in a treated HT room, which is totally diferent than my space. Right now before break in they sound good but I get don't get close to the sound I heard in the demo room(of coarse I never do). I can only come out about 1 1/2 ft. from the front wall, so I'm pretty sure that is where I lose a lot of the spatiousness.
I am curious to see what other VR4jr owners are using and what they have heard elsewhere.
"If there is an internal connection of the two bass module drivers... Why then, is there a brass plate on the outside of the bass module ‘apparently’ connecting those two drivers?" Especially if they are hooked up on the inside. I would think the brass plates on the outside supurfulus, or at the very lezst redundant. Then there's the question,"Why are they there if not to connect two different drivers?"

The two bass module drivers are only connected to the lower binding posts. The brass plate is used to transfer the signal between the lower posts (and therefore both woofers)and the upper posts which connect to the datalink only. That's why the upper posts on the bass module are labelled "Midrange/Tweeter input".

I agree that the brass plates on most speakers strap the woofer to the midrange/tweeter to allow for single wiring, but in the VSRs case this isn't so. (Well, kinda so - it will allow single wiring IF the datalink is connected).

Yeah, there are a bunch of ways to hook these guys up. Perhaps the set of cables you have going to the "Midrange/Tweeter input" are changing what your amp "sees", but I don't think so. Maybe you'll have luck in attaching both wires to the lowest pair, if you're using spades.

I think I see why you get better performance having the woofers driven directly by cables than by the straps with the cables hooked to the "Midrange/tweeter input".

All the best...
I am confused. If I am bi-wiring should I remove the jumper plate between the two bass terminals if I am connected to the lower one?

...it would seem so.

As I understand the posting, the plates are there only to hook up to the supplied umbilical... which is still another ten or so inches above the "mystery posts", (must have been a shortage of wire somewhere), and it supplies the upper module. So in the case of biwiring, removing the plates seems to me to be the way to go, as the other half of the bi-wire hooks to the top module.. eliminating the umbilical.

Of course that smacks of an oversight, or flaw in the engineering… like a “work around”, or afterthought. I mean if both drivers are internally wired together, then why not continue that wiring path within the cabinet up to the connection of the UC output on the bass unit? Safer that way. Cleaner looking too, having less stuff sticking out of the rear of the bass cabinet.

Too bad they didn't simply do away with one set of posts on the bass module, huh? That's the issue entirely, I think... and still one set of standard speaker wires would hook up the JR's along with the umbilical using the then, one set, of posts... and likely not require VR4 - JR (or possibly other VR owners), to have to get special ordered bi-wires for their speakers, as some will make that stretch, but not too many make the stretch from very bottom to very top. Though I was told MIT had pretty long tails on their bi-wires. It’d sure save some money in time & materials too…. Not to mention the time spent answering hook up queries, consequently all would benefit.. or maybe an upgrade or mod?

Hint! Hint!

I'll be dogged! Looks like I got a set of speaker wires for sale... perhaps.. or my HT system is about to get an upgrade in speaker cables…. Or I’ll just shotgun them using the two sets of bi-wires… maybe. Something about it just doesn’t jive IMHO. I'll try it that way this weekend, though
You should keep the plate, that will serve as the connection for the top woofer. Enjoy
Ive tryed a couple krells on my vr-4HSE I had with dissapionting sound. Skip them.