Thank you Rushton for the advice, the previous owner of the Fouriers also had Eidolons. The sound had a very fine bloom and great transparency. Ascents do have a flat impedance with 5.5 ohm minimum, hence I concluded they would be a good match. As long as the Fouriers work well I stick to them. I hope they will because MA-2's are very expensive (here). Great review of the Walker turntable!
I also hear to classical lp's only, I spin them on a Platine Verdier + Naim Aro+ Vd Hull Grasshopper IV on a sand filled box. Even some DGG's (Kleibers Beethoven Sy #5) sound breathtaking.
I also hear to classical lp's only, I spin them on a Platine Verdier + Naim Aro+ Vd Hull Grasshopper IV on a sand filled box. Even some DGG's (Kleibers Beethoven Sy #5) sound breathtaking.