how would an entry-level tube system compare?

Hi all,

I'm looking for advice on the following situation as I move into the tube world for the first time.

My current non-audiophile, lo-fi system: an old Sony 100W receiver and JBL S36 monitor speakers. 75% of the music I listen to is driving and bass-heavy (techno, house, electronica, hip-hop, rock). On this system, the sound is OK, but I can crank it (I mean _really_ crank it), which I like to do, and the bass is there, which I need.

I'm now planning a move into the hi-fi world. Although my musical tastes would suggest solid-state and big watts, I'm very curious about tubes. For budget and space reasons, I'm looking at integrated tube amps in the <$1500 range (from Cary, Onix, Cayin, Rogue, Eastern Electric, Shanling, VTL, PrimaLuna, and others).

I'm sure any of these tubes systems will take the quality of sound of my music to a new level. My concern is whether they'll be able to match the power, drive, and volume, of my current lo-fi system. Can a <50W tube system shake the house?

As for speakers, I'm still evaluating, but had not necessarily committed to high sensitivity ones. Should that be a requirement?

Thanks in advance for your thoughts and advice.
Since no one is answering your question spexcifically but are instead getting carried away raising other questions. Of you list my vote goes for Cayin. A88 goes for 1K/used,like new (good deal) or 1200/new from Hong Kong dealer.
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FWIW, I happen to agree with two other posters who suggest that the type of music you listen to and the manner in which you listen to it probably dictates that you would be happier with a good high current SS amp than a medium powered tube amp. The subtlies brought to audio by tubes would probably be lost. That said,

I drive large floorstanders with 92db efficiency and a 4ohm load to very loud levels in a 13x19x9 room using a Primaluna 1 or 3/5 combo. I trade off a bit of bass solidness (compared to a 100wt high current SS amp I have) but since I listen mostly to small scale jazz and classical I suffer no real loss.

Try to audition tubes before you buy, or as another has mentioned restrict your tubes to your pre-amp (a potentially excellent solution for your purposes with all of the flexibility that seperates offer).
Just a guess but I think he wants tubes regardless. Tubes look cool and are a conversation peice (that can sound quite good when done right). With techno all he will need is durrable, efficent speakers that will work well enough with low powered, reasonably priced tube amps.

Jolida also has affordable tube integrated amps. THey also look cool.

Good luck!
Ido agree that the type of super hard driving music he listens to, its BRUTAL on tubes. Tubes are best for easy blues, jazz, folk, classical. Hard Rock, techno, rap go with ss.