Eastern Electric Mini Max vs AE-3 DJH preamps

I've been looking around for a good tube preamp for some time. I've looked at new and used on Audiogon and on E-bay and wanted to keep the price around $1000. I keep coming back to these two, Eastern Electric Mini Max and AE-3 DJH. Their price new is about $1100 and I've read some good reviews on both. Any opinions about these two preamps? I need some help making up my mind.

I will also be looking for a 200 w/ch SS amp to go with one of them, if anyone has any suggestions.

I used the DJH pre w/ the Pass Labs Aleph 30 power amp. This combo still is one of the most enjoyable I've heard in my years of tinkering. The warm 3D tube sound w/ beautiful airiness of the DJH pre and the very articulate, non edgy sonics of the Aleph 30 was a perfect match. The 20 db of gain the DJH produces can be lowered with a simple mod. Call Cary Audio. Without it the volume maxed out at the 11 o'clock setting.
Mjcmt, thanks for that testimony. The more I hear about Pass amps, the more I'm inclined to check one out. Diehard tube fans swear they sound smooth. The thought of not fussing with power tubes is appealing.

I really love the DJH. I bought it as a stop-gap measure, but discovered how nice it sounds. It's definitely a keeper. I dealt with the gain issue by using Rothwell in-line attenuators. Thanks again. -Mark

Yes I loved that combo. I now have a benchmark DAC which I understand is a good match run directly into the Aleph 30 so I'm thinking of getting another one, or the Aleph J would be better.

Remember the Aleph series needs speakers in the 89-91 db range for loud volume, but I was satisfied with my 87 db speakers on all except the most driving rock music.

The Aleph J is an improvement over the Aleph 30 which improves upon the Aleph 3. But some like the 3 because it is more tube-like but with a lighter bass. The J has the lowest distortion of them all for better use with very high efficiency speakers. But I never had any issues with the 30 and it can be bought cheaper on the used market ($800-900).