Bel Canto, Nuforce, Acoustic Reality, Channel Is.

I have a pair of Silverline Sonata that I want to use with one of these amps. I currently have the Bel Canto M300 amps running from a Wadia 830. I was wondering if anyone had experience comparing these 4 amps to each other.
The Nuforce would be the 9.02
The Channel Island would be the 200
The Acoustic Reality would be the 1001
These are all comparably priced, although have varying power specs.
I am looking for warm, bassy, smooth highs and mids. I have a fairly live room, although with 8th Nerve treatments.
Thanks J
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I had a similar reaction to James when I compared the NuForce Reference9.02, CI 200, and the Mark Levinson 431 amplifiers with my Audio Physic Scorpios. Both the CI and the NuForce were a better match with the speakers than the Levinson which retailed for more than twice the retail price of either the NuForce or CI amplifiers. The Levinson was slow and dark compared to either of them.

I chose the NuForce because to me they were more dynamic and bottom heavy. I found the treble in both to be essentially the same, though others who have posted here feel that the NuForce amplifiers are brighter. That was not my experience when I auditioned them. Without question, they are both real world giant killers in my opinion.

Good Luck.
A friend tried several (all of the ones you mentioned plus a few more) in his system (modwright pre and cdP with B&W 803N's) and didn't purchase any of them. He too was looking for the same type of sound your described. I was there for all the A/B comparisons and reached the same conclusion...that Class D's show promise but not today, not now in the system we plugged them into. Hopefully in the near future they will blossom. Of all the ones we tried, the Hypex /UcD designed based ones were winners over the ICE and in-house based amps.

YMMV so you will need to audition them in your system to see if they have synergy with the Sonata's. All the post above indicate this.

Good luck riding the merry-go-round of audio equipment change.

I think you would benefit by calling Ric Schultz, most well known for his Ultimate Attenuators, and Millennium DAC's, all of which are no longer in production.
He has converted all of his efforts to optimizing his only current product, the
"EVS Custom UCD Amp" which comes in a few customized variations, so that your stated sound goals might more easily be met, compared to the many contenders listed in the discussion.
His website is, and his telephone number is 408-399-9708.
30 Day money-back guarantee on any amp you purchase from him. No chance to have buyer's remorse. And, Ric really takes pride in his ability to get things right for the buyer, or he takes it back.
I have only his other products, and he certainly got those right, as I, along with many other happy owners can attest.
Thanks guys. I did have a Bat VK3i while the Wadia was in place, and the amount of bottom end lost with the BAT was unacceptable. The Wadia literally sounded like being in the room, while partnered with the BAT was like being in the room next to the sound. I believe BAT makes good preamps, and thus assume that is not a good route to take. I have a large-ish room at 15 x 33 x 8, and the Bel Cantos certainly do not seem like way to much, and do sound nice. Are any other of the amps on the list more toward the sound I seek compared to the Bel Cantos?
Thanks again for all the suggestions, I will be working on them as well.