solid state power amps, golden oldies

What solid state power amps have stood the test of time? No older than 1980 and no newer than 1990. What amps, if introduced today, would still be given positive reviews? I believe that exceptional remains exceptional, regardless of time. Better older and exceptional than new and mediocre.
I am using a Perreaux 3150B Power amp to drive my Infinity RS 1-B's base columns. They jusy keep powering along! Great amp!
Not sure if the 1980-1990 is right but I would first mention the S-series Threshold amps.Still sought after today. Built like a tank and some great. I've always thought the SA-1 monos were one of the best s/state monos made.
threshold, mac, sonographe(cj), accuphase, nakamichi, perreaux, revox, tandberg, citation, bryston, lots more