Do I even need or want a preamp?

For over 5 years my home audio system had been stable. I used a Wadia 6 direct into a Jeff Rowland Model 1 with Synergistic Research balanced interconnects, out to a pair of Aerial 10Ts (Synergistic Research cables). I knew that the speakers could use more power than the Roland could give, and that the Wadia 6 was now pretty outdated. I recently replaced the Wadia and the Rowland with an Accuphase DP-57 CD player and a used Levinson 336 amp, plus replaced the interconnects with a pair of Tara Labs Air2. The end result was that the Aerials came alive and I am hearing MUCH more detail without harshness.

I brought home a BAT preamp to try out and have to say that whatever differences (other than volume capability) seemed quite subtle. The bass might have been a bit tighter, but it seemed like some of the ambient information was lost. Considering the $6500 list price of the preamp, I am trying to figure out if a preamp is even helpful for my system. The Accuphase has its own internal volume control. Never having owned a preamp before, I don't know what I was expecting, but improvement in the sound did not seem to be present with the preamp. I am now leaning towards not adding a preamp to the system, but want to know if I'm simply uninformed about any benefits that one might do for my current system.

Thanks in advance for helping me learn!
I will second the passive preamp route. I am using a Reference Line 1A with Atma-sphere M-60 MKIII amps. It has been the single biggest improvement in the system since the Atma-Spheres. It brought out detail, imaging and richness in my Silverline Sonatas I have never experienced. It bested a Sonic Frontiers and a Cary in my system.
I'll try to answer everyone in one post. I used a broken in pair of Tara Labs Air1 balanced interconnects from the preamp to the Levinson which, I assume, are similar to the Air2 interconnects in sonic qualities. The BAT was also well broken in prior to the dealer lending it to me.

I only had the BAT in my system last night. I would go from direct in from the player to the amp, and would then put the preamp in the middle. I could keep it for a few days, but I seriously doubt that the dealer would allow a 30 day trial! Even if I could keep it for more than about a week, it didn't take long to notice that there wasn't much difference between having the preamp in the signal path and not having it there. Both my son and I thought that the bass response was a bit tighter, and that there was something present in the way of more cohesion.....but both of these were certainly mild, if they weren't the result of a "placebo effect". We both also thought that there was a bit of harshness that wasn't present without the preamp.

As I see it, the preamp provided a volume boost that I doubt I needed. I have never had to have the Accuphase at full volume. I truly didn't know what to expect. Logic says that I should have expected more volume and a slight degradation of sound that one might expect from adding one more set of int3erconnects and another piece of gear in the signal path. That IS what I seem to have gotten! Somehow, I had a hope that a preamp might do something "magical". It sounds silly as I look at what I just wrote, but I am just being honest about my expectations. As best I see it, perhaps I would be better off getting a better pair of interconnects and speaker cables than to buy a preamp. If I'm missing something in my thinking, I'm glad to know about it!
I'm now passive for a couple of years and won't go back. Not everyone can do this as you need beefy low impedence sources and sensative hi Z amplification. Sounds like your fine w/o

Yea, I agree with Electroid. Since you are not really adding another source, nor do you need to alter the signal, you may be better off just where you are (w/o a pre-amp... passive or not). I think that you may have found your "magic", or perhaps the need to visit a small audio salon in Mugwart. Talk to Dynacovia, the Gypsy lady (with the one softly glowing green eye).

My thanks to everyone who responded.....truly! I was doubting myself, since many people seem to feel that a preamp is necessary. I borrowed a BAT "top of the line" tube preamp Monday and again found that it did not sound better to my ears than not using a preamp. Some of the detail is missing, and the sound is now a bit TOO dark for my tastes. I will simply trust my ears and stop looking at preamps for my system. Whether "right" or "wrong", I am very happy with what I am hearing, which is what counts! Thanks again!