ARC Ref 3 or VTL 6.5?

Thinking about upgrading my ARC LS25 II. Considering VTL 6.5 or ARC REF 3. My amp is VTL MB450 and speaker is Wilson Sophia.
Thank you for your time.
Dgad, do you happen to know when was the update on the 6.5 introduced? And do all 6.5s after such date sport the new circuitry, or is it an option only? The update may very well have addressed some of the mild objections I voiced on the 7.5 when I listened to it two years ago. This all points to Allenc really needing to hear both these devices before committing to one of them.
In consultation with Guido and Peter of Soundworks fame, I purchased a VTL 6.5 in mid April. I don't know if it has the newer circuit topology or not. After about a year of intense research, I had my selection narrowed down to the Ref 3 and the VTL. Both are magnificent. I am a tube guy all the way and opted for the very slightly warmer sound of the VTL. To my ear, the Ref 3 was a touch, but only a touch more analytic in character. I personally find Wilsons to be a bit too emphasized in the mid bass, but that could well be because I've never heard them properly setup. Based only on this experience, I might view the ARC as a better match for that system. I remain thrilled with my VTL 6.5, Bel Canto amps and B&W N803 speakers. I'm more of a jazz and female vocal listner; although, the system really shines with orchestral music as well. I'm about to replace some relatively long runs of Kimber 8tc speaker cable with some very short runs of Acoustic Zen Satori Shotgun. I'm doing so partially to increase the "snappiness" of the system. The B&Ws while not slow, are not the fastest speaker in town and conceivably I'll replace them in the next couple of years with something faster such as Maggies or Quads. Bottom line on the topic question though is listen to both and pick the "flavor" you like better. Both are excellent!
My response is undoubtedly biased but IMO the Ref3 is just the best preamp available today.
I don't know when they did the update but it is very recent. See my post on the 7.5 update. Same applies to the 6.5. I would stay VTL the whole way through since you have the amps. I am sure the update is expensive. Call them & let me know what they charge you.
It looks like all new VTL 6.5 are born with the update. According to Bea at VTL, Dr. Scialli's device, which came out of the furnace in April, already was born with the new circuitry.