Mccormack DNA125 or Belles 150A Hot Rod

I'm in the market for a new amp and trying to decide which one would give me the best sound and value. I'm unable to audition either. My pre is a VTL 2.5 and speakers are Infinity Kappa 8.1 (89db).
Thanks for any input.
Hi, Steve McCormack, I have the RLD-1 preamp and I want to install the phono card. How much is it? Can I do it myself?
Zaikesman, thankyou for bringing this to my attention. It never occured to me at the time I made my post, although it should have. By the way, your review/thoughts on the 125 were very well written & clear. I did post a followup to the DNA 125 but in light of your accurate review thought it was completely unnecessary and deleted it.
Well now you've done it Phd -- gone and made me embarrassed for being a wise-ass :-)