Trying out a tube preamp

Hello, all. I'm looking for some ideas. My 2-channel system consists of a Sony SCD777ES front-end, Bryston BP25 preamp, Bryston 4BSST amp, Audioquest Python and Caldera wires, and Totem Mani2 speakers. My listening room measures about 13 by 15 feet and is "dead" in character -- carpeting, sheetrock over concrete walls, bookcases, etc. Musical taste covers the spectrum.

I'm very happy with the system and have been enjoying it for a few years. But... you know how it goes. Lately I've been thinking of trying something different. I'm thinking a tube preamp in place of the BP25. Just a hunch that it might be a worthwhile change. Let's say the budget is up to USD$5000. Used is fine. Any recommendations on what would work well with the rest of my system?
I also had a SS system for years. I tried the Audio Horizons 2.1. It sounded good in my system but not great. I knew I would need the full dress 2.1 for about $3400 or $3500 and then nos tubes. I had just sold my Pass Labs X-0.2 pre and wanted to replace it with something that matched or exceeded my existing level of sonics. I also wanted to extract $$$ from my system without degrading the music. I found it with a 1 year old Aesthetix Calypso...added nos tubes for $300...still put $1200 back in my pocket and could not be happier with the preamp. So I third the Aesthetix.
ARC or Counterpoint would be up there in my world.Thats what I did for years with Bryston amps,good luck,Bob