set vs otl, which is the most musical

Set and otl amps are almost opposites in terms of many aspects of circuit design. Which of the two designs is the most musical (define musical in your own terms as there is likely not to be a universal definition acceptable to all). Which do you prefer and why?
when all is right....less is more. in other words; when the speaker is properly matched to the OTL amp then to my ears an OTL is the closer to my ideal than SET's. i've had big OTL's (Atma MA2 for a few weeks) and more modestly powered OTL's (Tenor 75W for three years). an OTL seems to have overall more clarity and imposes less of a signature of it's own. there is more bass articulation and deeper extention 'generally' with an OTL and very extended highs.

as mentioned above an OTL can sound 'tubey' and an SET can be fairly neutral and extended.

my answer is that an OTL is more musical if one's definition of 'musical' is 'reality'.......if your definition of 'musical' is 'rounder' and more 'lush'.....then your answer might be SET. there is no wrong choice.

my perfect amp is a combination of the best parts of the Tenor OTL performance added to the strengths of solid state (darTZeel.....or Tenor Hybrid).

I wonder how you would characterize a SET OTL :)
I completely disagree

I have Lamm ML 2.1's at 18 wpc driving my behemoth Wilson X-2 Alexandria speakers. I have owned literally every high end amp available and I can say that I will never buy another amp. These are as good as it gets.Bear in mind as well that it all depends on the sensitivity of ones speakers. Mine are rated at 95 Db.
oneobgyn: have you ever owned a conrad johnson mv 125 ?

i prefer it to any lamm equipment.

i have heard lamm pre amps and amps many times. yes they are fine components, but not the best.

have you heard a david berning sigfried ?

the point: there is no best anything. it's a matter of taste.
I would agree with Thomasheisig with regard to the Atmas. I once heard these amps with the top of the line full range Sound Lab Electrostats and almost fell off my chair. The sound was nothing short of breathtaking. The problem I have with SET amps is there output capabilities and distortion products. Ten percent distortion can't be taken seriously as an audiophile product as it's a profound sonic coloration. I know that sounds rather brutal but its just my opinion. Even though a piece of gear has its own inherent sound, I would preffer something that creates less coloration and a bit more neutrality. I don't want everything to sound pretty. G. Garfield