mono amp advice

I am trying to match a set of mono amps to my system.
System consists of- BAT 31se preamp, Ayre C-5xe player
and Wilson Sophia 1 speakers. Price limit is $10,000/pr.
I was thinking of Cary 500MB, Parasound Halo JC1, Boulder
850... I prefer s.s. but I am flexible. Any thoughts or
advice would be appreciated. Thank you.
With the Sophia's large bass driver, I would recommend staying with solid state to better control the bass driver and allow the mids to sound their clearest.

Although a bit higher than your budget, the new Metronome AMT-70 Class-A mono amps ($18k/pr.) are extraordinary!

jim Ricketts/tmh audio
A couple of used Rogue Zues' would be great. Although they are stereo amps you could biamp if the Wilsons are such.
Lots of great options - of the amps listed I would go with the Boulder. I'd also take a set of 7B-SSTs over the JC1s since you have short-listed them. Just my opion. I have a similar set up, and am thinking about going to ASR Exclusive II...maybe. More listening to do first.