DK Design VS.1 Reference mkII - Optimization

I would like to know what tuning, customizing, hot rodding, tweaking, what ever.. that you owners of DK Design VS-1 MK2 are using to bring out the best in this amp. It seems to be responsive to changes in interconnects, tubes, power & speaker cables, speaker dynamics, etc. most probably to both the positive and negative.

Please share your work. I would like to know what improved it's performance, what caused no real change and what made it sound worse. Thanks in advance!
Theaudiotweak: Brass? That's a surprise, I would have guessed rubber or wood or maybe glass or plastic. Do you also feel that the metal screen transmits electromechanical vibration and or electromagnetic induction? It seems like the metal screen would be a good electromagnetic sink or do you feel a polyester screen would be preferable?
The removal of ferrous materials in and around circuit boards, crossovers and speakers will result in lower distortion and a more musical presentation. Providing vibration direction,focus and relief in my experience results in a much more natural, dynamic, and open sound. Brass is my material of choice in most every instance. Tom
Mullard CV2492 gold pin cryo tubes . Somebody talk to me who has rolled a set of these into the preamp. I presently have a set of Tungsram E88CC/6922 and did not see a substantial change from stock tubes. What cha got there...?
I do most of my serious listening with vinyl and did a phase test with the Shure test recording TTR-110 through the phono and input A and the phase was reversed. I flipped my speaker cables red to black, black to red,to correct this. FYI- I use Silver Sonic Q-10 speaker cable presently connected to full range dipole speakers (Hunt Janni Tombstones-DIY). I am looking for my test CD to check the input I use for CD play (mostly background music as my setup is in my living room......
Hello Malbor,
You mentioned you have a friend that has done the Parts Connexion Upgrade to his DK. I have been considering having this done for quite some time and have never, until now, found someone who can give me their opinion with the outcome. Without being rude, is it possible to pass on my email to your friend? Thanks.

Oh, and just so that you know, I was one of the first to buy the DK (and I don't mean that in an Al Gore/internet kind of way) but was very pleased with its sound right away. And in the early and quiet beginnings of this amp had many conversations with Daniel. And while listening to his enthusiam about using the supplied powercord and interconnects, those items didn't make it a day beyond their break-in with my system. While this is a beautiful amp, it's not a plug and play amp and, as with any personalized audio system and component, will greatly benefit from a thread like this.