Choosing the right Bryston amp

Hi all,
Interested in input on which Bryston amplifier would be most appropriate to power a pair of Revel F30 Performa loudspeakers. Is the 3BST enough? Or do I need at least the 4BST to get my money's worth out of the speakers?
Ozfly, I'm not at all surprised that you prefered the 4BST over the 3BST with Thiels.
Well...maybe the Revels are comparable to the Thiels in that regard. If there are certain specs common to both, that is. You would know better than me.
I have a friend who runs a 4B-ST with the F-30's and will alert him to this thread.
My friend is a bit shy. In response to this topic, he wrote:

"The 4B-ST really makes my F-30's sing. I think that they absolutely need the 4B's power to perform at their best. I am getting full range, nuanced performance from my setup. Of course it helps that I am running excellent front end gear, the ARC LS-3 pre amp & Naim CDX, as well as excellent Kimber Monocle-XL and Transparent Reference interconnects. If I went anywhere, it would be more towards more power and dynamics, probably to monoblocks."

I would only add that his listening room is roughly 13 x 20 x 8, and that my Revel Salons, which are admittedly a different speaker, did like power.
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