Can tube preamps be as 'detailed' sounding as ss?

Recently I bought a minimax tubed preamp. After several weeks of listening and comparing to my Plinius Cd-Lad pre, I've decided I like some things about the minimax, but more things about the Plinius
1. minimax adds a sense of realism and increased soundstage depth a little
2. minimax added more hiss to the system
3. better bass with the Plinius
4. better details and clarity with the Plinius
5. Wider soundstage with Plinius

I really enjoyed the increase sense of realism though. Is it possible that a better tubed pre (such as Cary slp-98) would retain the clarity and details of the Plinius and add the midrange lushness? Or would a hybrid tube pre give the best of both worlds (like a Cary slp-308)?
thanks for your thoughts
rest of system, Bryston 3bst, Ayre cx-7, Audio Physics Libra
Thanks Atmasphere. I can well believe that it's a murky business trying to discern volume differences using pure sine waves, and also that incipient high-order distortion can cause listener fatigue. But I always regard at arm's length claims which seem to equate A) music signals with sine waves, or B) amp behavior below clipping with amp behavior around clipping (particularly when it comes to preamps, which shouldn't even get anywhere near approaching clipping).

Speaking of preamp distortion, the new Stereophile has THD measurements from JA on the Mac C1000 (figs. 5-6 and 9-10), which for practical purposes seem to indicate all but indistinguishable (not to mention negligible) distortion behavior between the unit's tubed and solid-state options, at least within the limits of the test conditions.
Atmasphere...But, if a tramsistor power amplifier has well designed clip limiting, it will, when overdriven, produce a waveform that looks just like a tube amplifier.
Sean, tubes *are* as fast as transistors, else vacuum-tube radio circuits could not exist. There are many things that limit bandwidth in tube *designs*, but tubes are not the culprit (check out the risetimes on our website sometime). Soft clipping is caused by space charge effects (a cloud of electrons that occurs near the plate of the tube) which is a phenomena of a tube near saturation. It has nothing to do with bandwidth.

Eldartford, there are transistor amps now that have a 'soft clipping' feature, but clipping distortion is a gross manifestation of the effects that I am referring to. Unfortunately these 'soft clipping' amps still retain the transistor/odd-ordered harmonic signature that the ear detects so easily. This is my own opinion, but I feel this issue of higher/odd ordered harmonics is one of the more important issues that seperates the subjectivists from the objectivists.
Atmasphere, A pox on all foreign harmonics, for they are all a type of signal pollution. I can hear tube coloration as easily as solid state irritation.
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