Using a 220v amplification equipment in the US

I am building a strictly 2ch system for my study- I have become very interested in the current chinese offerings as several friends in Europe have recently gone in that direction and are extremely happy with the result- particularly the excellent price/performance ratio.

Some of the equipment that has been recommended to me is not available in 110v and I am not entirely sure if performance will be compromised by using 220v units with a good adapter/converter (at least 500w)...

I was looking at a couple of interesting integrated amplifiers offered by NY Sound which in fact offer the model and/or brand I was looking at with 220v power supplies....I am matching this with a Musical Fidelity X-Ray v3 and tube buffer (110v) in terms of front end and eventually with either Harbeth or Gallo Ref3 speakers...

Would be very interested in your thoughts....
Which of the amps are you interested in. I have been thinking about trying one of the Dussun amps. Most likely the V8i. If I do, I will get it from They are the only authorized imported in the US. And they do have them in 110v. From the factory, not some grey market jobs.
My understanding is that with 220v, your equipment will be sound more pristine (lowered noise-floor, etc.) and run a bit more efficiently or effortlessly.

Since you would or should be running dedicated circuits/ lines for each component, then those components requiring 220v could be wired as such by an electrician.

I think the Nuforce Ref 9 and SE amps and a few other 110v components can also run at 220 volts without any converters or component rewiring. But you definitely should confirm before attempting such endeavors.

Personally, I would like to convert all of my components to run at 220v because I think the potential for sonic gain could be a little startling.