What are the restrictions?
One idea would be to create a hard drive system. Then you could have all your music on your boat w/o bringing your cds along. If you have a lap top you can just buy an external drive. If you don't, you could buy a mac mini for not much money.
If you're looking for an un-typical car system, there's a tube car stereo (pioneer?) that looks interesting. I haven't heard it. Gets fm and plays cds.
One idea would be to create a hard drive system. Then you could have all your music on your boat w/o bringing your cds along. If you have a lap top you can just buy an external drive. If you don't, you could buy a mac mini for not much money.
If you're looking for an un-typical car system, there's a tube car stereo (pioneer?) that looks interesting. I haven't heard it. Gets fm and plays cds.