what amps mate well with Zu Definition

have the vac 30/30 sig mk3 now and the sound is very nice,the background could be a bit more quite though.just wondering if any amps are shinning with the Def's???? thks for any advice..
I'm using 18 SET watts per, and there is no going back to SS for this audiophool. Holographic--in a nut shell. There should be some info in the 'gon archives, as well. Maybe not ear bleed levels, but (very)loud enough for me...
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Red Wine Audio Signature 30 is a battery operated, and therefore silent, amplifier which can be used as a single input integrated since it has a volume control. It is available under a 30 day money back guarantee and has been praised highly around the net. Srajan at 6moons has reviewed it using Definitions and liked it very much. He says it compares favorably with the Yamamoto A-08S and the Korneff 45, two of the better SET offerings out there.
If you need help contacting Red Wine or finding the 6moons review, contact me and I will give you further directions.
I have ordered and paid for the Sig 30 for myself but there is a waiting list so I can't as yet provide a personal endorsement. I should get mine in about 10 to 12 days.
And by the way, the Sig 30 costs only $1399.