Has anyone heard FM Acoustics

I have been told by a couple of Audiophiles that the FM Acoustics amplifiers were incredibly good and very expensive. Has anyone had hand-on experiences with these amplifiers? The amp I have heard of most is the Resolution 811. Would this venerable amp still approach the state of the art for solid state?
The FM Acoustics prices are getting out of hand! These are units meant for the very rich or for those crazy audiophiles who have a second mortgage on their real estate (for the sake of audio?).

Bvdiman, I hear you. In the ideal world would be to find someone who has the same speakers as mine with FM product and already has them dialed in and have a listen.

My set-up would be pretty simple as it would only be a line source for CD playback.

Are you currently using Magico Mini II's.

Does this product run warm, hot ..... I read info. referring to having two fans inside to cool them. Do you hear the fans.
Ok, here's a suggestion, when you get in touch with your FMA dealer..
Amplifier - Ask to audition the FM115 mono config. (250W 8ohms, 450W 4ohms). They list around CHF85,000. If this is insufficient to drive your speakers/room then you will need the FM1811. Sound wise they are both fairly similar in characteristic and quality, and a refinement over the older Resolution series.

Pre-Amp - Partner them with either an FM255mkII, FM266mkII or the FM268 (depending on how far you want to stretch your budget). For pre-amps, unlike their amplifiers, I heard more significant improvements each time you climb up the ladder.
(I came to above conclusion as I'm doing this upgrade in stages (cost consideration), I was thinking to either buy the amp or pre first. I tested two combinations, one 1811/REF3 and the other being 611/268. I had much better result with the latter, therefore decided on the FM268 first and do the amp upgrade later).

Cables - Tie them all up with FM's cabling (a must!). Forceline3 spkr cable and PIT (Precision Interface Technology) ic's. This is where it gets a bit sweet, though not as expensive, they put to rest my Valhallas, Synergistic Designer's Reference2 and Siltech G6 ic's and speaker cables. You will save a bit here as you don't need tenths of thousands of dollar in cabling to make your system work!

I have now actually heard the above FMs amp/pre-amp combinations in 5 different speakers set-ups ranging from tiny MiniII to the giants - Wilson Wamm, Kharma Grand exquisite, Acapella Campanile and FM's own Inspiration System - where all sounded truly amazing! However as none featuring your MBLs, I did hesitate initially. Goodluck! But given the odds, with the superb combinations above I'm sure you will not need one.
Oops.. the previous tell tale post was for Chris re insane pricing.
Dev, my FM611 is the older gen, I've had it for more than 15yrs. They do not have cooling fans yet, the newer FM611X got them. Also the 115 and 1811. My amp runs warm but not hot, they have thermal protection circuit which shut off and stabilize amp once the maximum thermal temperature is reached, light blinks for 10 seconds and they are back ready for action! Btw.Their fans are whisper quiet, in the many friends set-ups, never once I notice their existence nor feel them to be intrusive.
This post was meant to be prior to the above >>
Chris, I fully agree with you re their insane pricing, their stingy discount policy gives me the irk too! However, here's a story I'd like to share which happen late last year. A friend with the Kharma Grand Exquisite speakers ($300K+), tried to compete with this other guy driving the full FM Inspiration System1. However out of pride and not wanting to be called a follower, he tried all means to avoid the FMA gears used by the other guy (certainly not cost consideration as this Kharma guy has in his garage 2 Ferrari Enzo!!).

He then seeks and even imported some of the best gears he knew ranging from Golmund Telos 2500, top line Burmester, biggest Boulders, Spectrals to Wavacs, after six months of trying and huge monetary loss, he gave up and only to end up with--you guessed it--exactly what his 'competing' friend has-the full FMA work. Well.. we just have a good laugh each time this story is brought up within the local audiophile circle. A good effort, but just ain't good enough I guess.. ;)