Achieving Preamp nirvana with a SF Line 3?

I am contemplating the purchase of a Sonic Frontiers Line 3 preamp. It will replace an Audible Illusions Modulus 3A in a system that has NHT 3.3 speakers, Moscode 300 Maxi amp (mods) JPS SC2/NC cabling, Muse 9 Signature DVD/CD. I am planning on selling my VPI 19 MKIII with ETII arm and will return to vinyl in the future so a phono section isn�t the most important issue.

My quest of course is �perfect sound� (that is a mouth full) which will never happen as long as we all have opinions. From what I have read this preamp has tons of engineering and experience rolled into it and could possibly by virtue of it�s design and build yield pure sound with virtually no self inflicted opinion of its own. It, from my studies, does not have a tube signature or SS but is vanishing. My worries are that this particular preamp could exhibit a sterile cleansed sound chalk full of detail bombarding me in a lifeless presentation.

Any experiences to help? Any comparisons by Gon members? I�m in AZ and there isn�t much I can do as far as me playing around and comparing. I have also considered a Belles 21A (Aura caps?) , Belles Soloist 3, and CAT . If I go Belles I will also purchase two 150A Ref amps to bridge. Thoughts?
If you're looking for audio nirvana, you should try and listen to North American Products H-Cat preamp. Go to They are presently contemplating a dealer in Arizona. I have been a music lover/audiophile for more years that I care to admit to. Heard and owned many of the top-end preamps, but the H-Cat is truly the finest. You owe it to yourself to hear it if possible. IMHO there's nothing out there that can beat it.
I had the AI M3 and replaced with Emotive Audio Sira and it was big improvement.