Tube preamp as foundation for 2 channel upgrade

I have a multichannel ss system that sounds sterile. The main components are:

Anthem AVM2 processor
Aragon 8008 X 5 amp
Esoteric DV 50 universal player
Talen Raven C front speakers
Bohlender Graebener ribbon center channel / rear speakers

I have been struggling with the decision whether to go with a better quality SS processor, or split the preamp function between a 2 channel preamp and a processor, running the interconnects from the DV50 to both so that in 2 channel mode I use only the preamp and in HT mode I use both.

I have been told that tubes may liven up my system, and I am leaning towards a good tube preamp for 2 channel with a separate perhaps lesser quality solid state processor for HT. Later I will address upgrading the amp - not sure if that will go tube as well.

My budget is limited...<$4,000 for both the preamp and a replacement processor. My Anthem is malfunctioning and the manufacturer was unable to fix it (talk about frustrating!!!), so I am replacing it.

Finally, I have an older Denon turntable with a Grado cartridge I'd like to reintroduce into my system, and get back into vinyl, so the preamp should have a phono input.

Thanks in advance for your advice.
John is right, I forgot that with HT, the system will be "in use" in one form or another all the time. So go for (at least) a really good SS amp to drive the Talons, and if that still doesn't do it, maybe you could just get a simple tube linestage and put it between the processor's main outs and the new SS amp?
Radical Upgrade suggestion

Sell the Talons, Never buy speakers built in Utah or Colorado!

Now you have almost $8K to spend

BYE Bye BG's


Sell the Aragon, very "sterile" amplifier

Now you have 10K ish?

Sell the Anthem ($.5K?

Buy 3 Blue Sky Big Blue Monitors (they are active) and four System One 6.5 monitors $7K (Guitar Center carries them)

Use what's remaining to upgrade the processor., fact is sell the Esoteric DV-50 too, get a used Meridian G68xxl and a Pioneer DVD won't miss the Esoteric!

You may have some money left over, but you will need some balance interconncts for the speakers to processor connection.

Thought I'd give you a view of your system possibilities from a different perspective.
I have a similar arrangement to what you are considering. I’m using a tube pre w/bypass, and tube amps for the front two channels (no center). My HT processor/receiver is used to drive the rears and of course for processing. Who says you have to use the tubes when you watch television. When I’m watching TV, I use the built-in TV speakers. For the occasional concert that may be on TV I turn on the tubes. For movies, the whole system is also up and running. Best of both worlds and no excess wear and tear on the tubes. Also, I think for the up to $4K that you’re considering spending, you could pick-up a nice used tube amp and replacement processor, and then when time and money permits pick-up a tube pre as well.