Any opinions on Classe Preamps?

I have a Classe CA-100 Power amplifier,I am looking for a good matching pre-amp for under 1K used.Any Ideas-Thanks Krelldog
The Classe Cp-50 is a smoking pre amp for the price range. I think tit might be a little more then 1k but I think it would be worth the extra investment
I run a CP-50 with a CA-301 nice combo. I paid about 1K for the pre. You can find the CP-60 for around $1500.00 Good luck
Had a CP-60 and it was good but not great, IMHO opinion. I A/B extensively against the Placette, and Classe was constantly 2nd -- not a distant second, but second none the less. There are lots of good preamps worth considering in the $1 -$2K range used, and especially in $2.5K range. --Lorne